New beach suburb for Sydney’s north in Ingleside

An artist’s impression of the new Ingleside suburb, where up to 3400 houses will be built. Supplied

Sydney residential buyers will have another chance to buy beach homes after the NSW government announced a new residential suburb near the northern beaches.

The NSW government and its development arm, UrbanGrowth NSW and Pittwater Council,  have announced the release of the 15-hectare greenfield site for a community with 3400 houses and terraces near Mona Vale, which is a 10-minute drive to the beach.

These are in line with NSW’s goals for more medium-density housing.

Plans for an “environmentally sustainable” Ingleside include electric vehicle recharging points and LED street lighting, in keeping with the theme of a  “green grid” from the Greater Sydney Commission’s district plans, a spokesman for Planning Minister Rob Stokes said.

A third of the land at Ingleside, on Sydney’s northern beaches, will be used for community and recreation areas. Supplied

The precinct would also be subject to a 5 to 10 per cent affordable housing target, as dictated by the district plans.

The plans, which will be on public display and comment until the end of next February, propose a third of the land at Ingleside will be conserved, a third will be for new dwellings, and the remainder for community and recreation areas.

All land will be developed with environmental protection levels higher than ever seen before in Sydney.

“The new community of Ingleside is part of the NSW government’s commitment to plan for more houses to meet the needs of a growing city,” Mr Stokes said.

“Ingleside will showcase a high standard of sustainability, including planning and design measures to conserve biodiversity, water and energy.”

An impression of the Ingleside town centre that will be built as part of the new suburb. Supplied

The precinct will also feature a town centre, neighbourhood centre, a proposed primary school and community facilities.

As Ingleside borders Ku-ring-gai Chase and Garigal national parks, the development of the suburb will include wildlife corridors such as fauna-crossing tunnels under Mona Vale Road.

Care would be taken to minimise the impact of development on Ingleside Chase and Katandra Sanctuary.

All land will be developed with environmental protection levels higher than ever seen before in Sydney. Supplied
